Our Projects

We are committed to building quality into every aspect of our project work. Our team have the capability and expertise to design and build bespoke projects, suited specifically to your requirements.

Our Completed Projects

Holdhurst Farm Lake Construction

In the Spring of 2015, Blenheim House Construction contacted us to install and landscape a large bentonite lined lake.

Lymington Tern Islands

Regrading and importing shingle to islands in Normandy Lagoon to enhance the habitat for nesting birds.

Burridge Pond Creation

Designing and creating a new wildlife pond for the National Trust to enhance habitat diversity on their land.

Breamore Pond Restoration

Breamore Pond was a SSSI in need of restoration and eradication of invasice Creeping Water-primrose.

Get in Touch

To enquire into our services and find out more, please contact us via email or telephone